The common, underlining denominators of all BP typefaces are: (a) support for Greek language, and (b) a huge amount of love injected to each and every one of their characters.

DPSDbeyond (2011)
random pangram

The DPSDbeyond typeface is the result of the attempt made by the students of the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering (University of the Aegean) in Syros, to design a typeface in a collaborative way, during the short duration of a one-day workshop (that took place on the 12th of November). A number of interesting ideas, concerning both the final result and design collaboration for type design per se, emerged. You can read some thoughts, remarks and other interesting findings regarding the design process in a concise report (currently only in greek).

The font is released under an Open Font License.

Design credits:
Κωνσταντίνα Γοργογιάννη + Γιώργος Χαλάς = Α, α
Κωνσταντίνος Βασιλάκης = Β
Ελισάβετ Ζιώγα = Δ, δ (1)
Στάθης Γιαπουτζίδης-Καρράς = Δ, δ (2)
Μαρία Καρκάντζου = Ε, ε
Βασιλική Μουρκάκου = Η, η
Βασίλης Ευδοκιάς = Θ
Νάνσυ Καστρίτη = Ι, 0
Τηλέμαχος Ποθητός = Κ, κ, υ
Νικόλ Χρυσικού = Λ, λ
Κατερίνα Μπράνη = Ν, ν
Γιώργος Αρακάς = Ξ, ξ
Ευγενία Αντωνίου = O
Ιωάννα Κεντρή = Π, π
Βαρβάρα Μπάτσιου = Ρ, ρ
Ιωάννης Μαρκάκης = Σ, σ, ς
Γιώργος Λαυτσής-Σκρέτας = Τ, τ + 3
Λυδία Μπελέγρη = Υ, υ + 8
Γρηγόρης Χουρναζίδης = Φ, φ
Πέτρος Κυριακίδης = Ω
Υβόννη Κούκα = ω
Δώρα Καραδήμα = 2
Ανδριάννα-Φαίδρα Νάσσου = 5, 7
Φανή Παναγοπούλου = 6
Μαρία Ιωάννα Ξυνού = 4
Ζωή Στεργιάδου + Ανδρέας-Ορφέας Μάκος = 9
Μυρτώ Κουμουνδούρου = 1

Final analysis and design:

Webfont usage

1. Unzip the downloaded file and place the webfont files (.woff, .eot, .ttf) and the accompanying .css file on a specific folder on your server.

2. Copy and paste the code below inside the <head> of the page(s) where you want the webfont to be used

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[folder]/DPSDbeyond.css"/>

where [folder] = the name of the folder where you put the css and webfont files

3. Add the font-family name at the css rules where you want to use the webfont

div { font-family: DPSDbeyond, Arial; }

4. If the webfont supports italics, bold and/or bold italics you can use them simply by using <b> and <i> tags inside your html code.

5. If the webfont has a Light or other weight, look at the accompanying .css file to find out what weight value you should use.

In use

by Sebastien Nikolaou
