is George Triantafyllakos
Holding a Ph.D. from the Department of Informatics in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and working as a type, graphic and web designer/developer since 2003, I am trying to find my way somewhere between design and technology.

Some quick facts

 about me

Living 'n' working:
in Thessaloniki, Greece

Academic achievements:
Ph.D., Department of Informatics, AUTh
Areas of interest: Participatory Design, HCI (Human Computer Interaction)
Read my thesis [in greek] or visit

Programming skills:
Fluent in PHP, HTML, CSS, LESS, Javascript, Jquery, JSON, MySQL, XML, XSL, XPath
Can work with ASP, Processing, Python, Actionscript™

Teaching experience:
Design For Screen + Introduction to HTML/CSS/Javascript @ AAS [from 2011 to 2015]

Get in touch

 or look me up
Feel free to send me comments or questions at

You can also find me:
as gtrianta @ instagram, github, soundcloud, lomography, delicious
as George Triantafyllakos @ linkedin, mubi, cinobo
as george.triantafyllakos @ facebook